Your flight is now boarding!

Are you ready to board the flight to the land of creation? Where all things are possible and dreams come true? A place where ideas become reality and you can really live the life you’ve always dreamt of. Sounds like a cool place to live right? So what’s stopping you from packing your bags and going? What’s holding you back from boarding?

I love travelling, whether thats in my head or real life it doesn’t really matter. Sometimes it is daunting when you are starting a new journey (especially if you’re going alone) and we sometimes need someone else to help us double check that we have packed everything we need for the journey.

Since I love packing and planning for adventures so much, I’ve compiled a little list of some things you may need before you take flight:

  • Get a yourself a sketchbook/journal - a space to collect all your inspiration and explore your ideas. There is inspiration to be found everywhere! Visit exhibitions in galleries and museums, observe nature, cityscapes, transport, people, fashion, culture, listen to music, read books. I read once, you have to be interested to be interesting!

  • An experiment sandwich! - Try your hand at different creative forms. Find what it is that you love the most and then experiment some more. The more you find yourself creating the more creative you will become. Don’t box yourself in by thinking you just have to do one thing. In my humble opinion, the more diverse you are as a creative the better it is for you.

  • An eraser - Mistakes happen and you can end up feeling like your not good enough but try again. Not every idea will be your best idea but don’t be discouraged, we all go through it. Practice, practice practice! Whatever your art form is you must practice. There’s no escaping it. It takes years of failures and experimenting to find and refine your style.

  • A camera - Take photos of things that inspire you. You don’t need a fancy one - Me and my camera phone are the best of friends and I love taking pictures to look back on. Take pictures of your work too - document your processes and one day you will be able to remind yourself at how far you’ve come.

  • OG juice - You are an original! No one has your juice or your squeeze and comparison they say, is the thief of joy, plus it can have you feeling dehydrated and lacking. It’s great being inspired by other creatives but don’t start comparing your work or their level of success to your own. You don’t know what people have gone through to get to where they are at. Your journey is unique to you. This can be a big hinderance and distraction to your own path, so do you!

  • Glasses - These can be sunnies or spectacles - whichever you think suits. Maybe like me, you’ll need both. Clear vision helps you focus. It’s really important to clear a space where you can be creative. Your surroundings can have a big impact on your productivity too, so clear your space physically and mentally to make room for new ideas. A clear vision means you won’t be easily distracted by mess or other people.

  • A pen - Set some goals and write them down with your favourite pen. Vision boards are great too. It’s a good idea to write your goals down somewhere you will see them everyday.

  • Lastly, pack light. don’t overload yourself with heavy baggage. Remove any items that are weighing you down and holding you back. You’ll only have to pay extra for them later!

Travel safe and enjoy your flight.