Re-route or Re-root?

We are currently living through the bleak reality of the worst ecological breakdown recorded in recorded history. As landscape architects we must design in ways that respond to the immediate crisis we face living on Earth.


Location: Mars

A concept by Stefano Boeri presents a "new Shanghai" constructed with "vertical forests" that could be built on Mars, in the event that Earth becomes inhabitable due to rising sea levels. This “New  Shanghai” could be imagined due to the rooting of real “eco-systemic seeds” (which would travel through an interplanetary space station) on the surface of Mars to create an atmosphere and a suitable climate for plants and human life.​

Initially, my thoughts immediately reject this idea, maybe because I consider earth as my home and have no interest in transporting to Mars. It evokes so many questions:

  • If we cannot restore the damage created on Earth could the possibility of moving to another planet save the human race?

  • What is the cost to explore such technologies and could that finanicial resource be used to support improving life on Earth?

  • Boeris concept uses Shanghai as a precedent, but if we do develop the means to create new life on a another planet why would we use the same blue print for urban design?


Location: Singapore

Kranji Marshes is home to a rich array of flora and fauna, including more than 170 species of birds, 54 species of butterflies and 33 species of dragonflies. Together with Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, it provides an important habitat in the Kranji area for the conservation of biodiversity, especially marsh birds.

It is a landscape of high ecological value and the conservation of the area allows for natural habitats and wildlife to take precedence.

How can the design features of Kranji be incorporated into an urban setting?


Reflecting on the impacts we have made as humans on earth and adjusting how we appreciate and take care of our environment to revive natures abundance seems a far more logical approach to our future on earth. However, with the advancement of science and technology maybe a move to Mars will be the future in the years to come.


Kranji Marshes (2022) National Parks Board. Available at: (Accessed: October 31, 2022). 

India Block |23 October 2017 12 comments (2017) Stefano Boeri imagines dome-covered Mars Colony with "Vertical forests"Dezeen. Available at: (Accessed: October 31, 2022). 

Jemima Graham